A few days ago I photographed a small family event – the birthday of a charming little girl Mary-Charlotte.
The most two things I like in children birthday – blowing out the candles on the cake and getting ready. Unfortunately, not all parents understand that preparing for the birthday celebration and getting ready the child is also a part of the celebration, and very important. Unlike adults, children are waiting for their next birthday… A whole year of waiting.
I really like to photograph birthday parties of children, and always glad when parents understand the importance of “this day” and invite me to photograph this family event. During the discussion of the upcoming photo session there is almost ALWAYS a slight disagreement about what to photograph, when to start and finish photography. It’s not about the “price issue” but is about not understanding “why?”… For a children, the birthday morning is the culmination of many their expectations, and it’s right to start photography at the time of this culmination. I do not insist on such opinion when discussing the upcoming photo session, but I just try to explain it to the customer. The customer is always right :)))
I was very pleased that we have agreed with Mary-Charlotte mom to start photographing from getting ready her little princess :)))
The birthday planning was as follows – getting ready at home, moving to a restaurant (across the street from the house), “get-together” with friends in the restaurant, returning home with guests, lighting and blowing out the candles on the cake at home.
Meal in the restaurant was supposed to last for several hours, and here we again agreed that I will photograph the beginning only. Nobody need photos of chewing people :))) And what to do with the birthday cake? It was decided to make a “test” blowing out the candle before leaving home :)))
I’m not gonna post the pictures from the restaurant – I don’t see much sense. It’s better to show the birthday morning of the little Princess…